Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How far will you go?

Go Farther!  That was the imperative I spotted in an advertisement for investment research.  It was the clear implication that using their services would take you farther along the road to financial success.  But then I thought, "OK, go farther....but how will I know when I've arrived?"  One of the fallacies of the American Dream, as it is packaged contemporaneously, is that success is actually defined by "going farther"  or by having more of the material types of things.  One of the interesting truths we learn is that going farther in the material world can be like going deeper into a quicksand swamp.  On the other hand when we Go Farther in our relationship with Jesus we find that real progress and real growth come as we walk.  It is in the going that we experience the growing.  Maybe our promotion to walk with Jesus would be Walk Closer!  Then we really will go farther.
2 Corinthians 6:16 What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people."
Rob Smith

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