Friday, November 16, 2007

keep your distance

Have you ever noticed how cars bunch up on the highway?  It's almost like there's a continual race going on out there.  I think many drivers decide how fast they'll drive based on how much speed they need to catch the next group ahead of them.  It's sort of a "relative" approach to driving and sometimes it leads to "road rage" when the competition gets too close and personal.  The posted speed limits are more of an "absolute" guide to determining driving speed.  I've noticed that when I drive at the speed limit it tends to be a bit more peaceful than when I'm chasing the herd (not to mention: a more legal approach).  But there is something in us that seeks out the crowd and pushes the limits...often so we can do fun things like getting to work faster by 5 minutes.  So one thought is that we're better off following "absolute standards" from the Lord than "relative standards" set by ourselves.  The other thought is that when it comes to sin we often push the limits by getting as close as we can...thinking or hoping that we won't cross into unacceptable territory.  But just as cars that bunch together have a far greater likelihood of collision than those with plenty of space around them, so we tend to set ourselves to fall to temptation when we allow it to come too close.  If we follow God's absolutes...stick to His limits...we may find ourselves in an open place where life isn't moving quite so fast, there is greater peace, and we have less chance of crashing into sin.
Proverbs 6: 27 Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned?

                  28 Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched? 



Rob Smith

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