Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A baptism of tears

Much is made of the different "modes" of baptism.  Some sprinkle and some immerse.  We know that there are "baptisms of fire" as trials can cover us and drive us to the Lord for help.  Last night I read of a different kind of baptism that Jesus experienced at the hands of one of his followers.  The passage is in the Gospel of Luke (found in verse 38): "and as she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them."  Jesus had been dining in the home of a Pharisee and as he sat there a woman came in.  She had a bad reputation for sinful behavior but had sensed the need to repent and be forgiven and she courageously sought Jesus in this Pharisee's house.  Without a word, apparently, she stood behind Jesus and began to weep with sorrow for her sin and the brokenness that comes from sincere repentance.  She had brought perfume to anoint Jesus, but first she had to wipe the tears from Jesus' feet with her hair.  Then she applied the perfume.  She also kissed Jesus' feet and He tenderly forgave her.  It was eye-opening for me to realize that I, too, can baptize Jesus when I come in brokenness and tears and anoint Him with the perfume of prayer and praise and allow his cleansing love to wash me.
Rob Smith

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