Monday, February 4, 2008

Eternity is multi-generational

Job 8:8 "Ask the former generations
       and find out what their fathers learned,
Psalm 22:30 Posterity will serve him;
       future generations will be told about the Lord.
We often divide our lives into two views: our life in the flesh here on earth...and our life to come in heaven.  In a sense I think that's too narrow.  One aspect of the eternal life we have is that we are linked with all the generations that have preceded us and all the generations yet to come.  We actually can draw life lessons from the lives of Jacob, Joseph and David even though they lived thousands of years ago and we can live our lives in such a way that a few thousand years from now the Gospel torch is still being passed to new waves of earth dwellers (should the Lord not appear sooner).  In a sense we are brothers of believers who have gone before as well as those yet to come.  The blessing of time is that it serves as a gateway for millions across the centuries to enter God's Kingdom from the common platform of planet earth.
Rob Smith

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