Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How are you being?

Exodus 3:14 And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
"How are you doing?" is possibly our most familiar greeting when we see friends and want to catch up with them.  We have a strong focus on doing.  We do things all the time..at home, at work, for hobbies, for exercise.  We stay "on the go" from the time we rise till the time we recline at night.  Sometimes I think that "doing" becomes an intentional distraction so we don't let all the moving parts settle and consider how we are on the inside.  Is there peace?  Is there a sense of intimacy with the Lord?  If not, do we just trudge on and cover the unsettled areas of our heart with more "doing"?  With all of God's amazing creative acts, you might think He'd identify Himself as "The Great Maker".  He chose to clarify to Moses who He was by declaring His existence (I AM..)...and that was enough.  Before we just put our heads down and march through another day of "doing", let's consider who we are in the Lord.  We might say "I am because He is"!
Rob Smith

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