Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Proverbs 27:1 Do not boast about tomorrow,  For you do not know what a day may bring forth.
I had just finished buying a few things at Wal-Mart last night and on the way out spotted a sign:
Today's Stock Price: $48.90
tomorrow's price depends on you
I think the sign was directed primarily at employees (though the customers play a big role too!).  But it occurred to me that there really isn't a direct correlation between how hard the employees work, or how much the customers spend and what happens to the stock price from one day to the next.  There are so many forces that can affect a stock from one day to the next, from world markets, to domestic fears about inflation and the price of oil.  A major law suit or product recall can certainly impact the stock.  (This is not to diminish the important role of hard work, good service and loyal customers, of course).  But just as Wal-Mart employees can't directly control the price of company stock just by their efforts, so we can't control our tomorrows through ours.  But there is One who can look past the horizon of today and know what tomorrow brings.  He is aware of the battles that lie just ahead and He is able to order events and circumstances just as He pleases.  He is the One who will take our good intentions and our heart to walk closely with Him and incorporate that with His marvelous plan.  We can't know what tomorrow brings, but we can be assured that investing ourselves in Him is a sure way for our spiritual stock to do well.
Rob Smith

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