Monday, November 10, 2008

the fox

This morning, as I strode through the brisk and clear air I spied a fox.  There is something about seeing a fox that seems special.  They live so much in the background and carefully avoid human contact.  When you spot one you almost feel like you have spotted a "spy" as he is in the midst of some clandestine operation.  I was surprised, upon doing a little research, to realize that foxes are members of the dog family.  They must be on the extreme introverted end of the family because most dogs I know are drawn to people like iron filings to a magnet.  Foxes often live near people but are so alert due to keen senses of hearing, smell and sight that they generally avoid detection.  They feed on small rodents, rabbits and eggs and generally work a territory of less than 3 square miles.  Unlike human beings, foxes almost always mate for life.  When the young are born, both partners tend them for about five weeks before sending them out of the den (usually an enlarged groundhog hole).  I suppose the key attribute that leads to spiritual analogy is the alertness.  I am reminded that we need to be alert to spiritual enemies, like the fox is to physical ones.  We need keen senses that go beyond the physical ones to detect the presence of temptation.  Our enemy is an invisible one who is skilled in subtly enticing us with the desirable to keep our focus away from the Divine.  I believe we can train our spiritual senses to be "fox-like" by aligning our thoughts with our Lord's thoughts.  Spending time with Him in the Word will help us avoid danger in the World.

Psalm 119:35 Make me walk in the path of Your commandments,
         For I delight in it.
 36 Incline my heart to Your testimonies,
         And not to covetousness.
 37 Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things,
         And revive me in Your way.

Rob Smith

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