Thursday, June 25, 2009

lunch with the prophet

I noticed in a news item that Warren Buffet, the "Oracle of Omaha" and probably the most famous investor and investment manager in our country today is raising money for charity by auctioning a lunch with himself.  The idea is that you and several of your friends can buy the opportunity to pick his brain over soup and sandwich to learn some of his secrets of investment success and to get the "inside scoop" on what he think markets will be doing in the future.  Bids are being taken on Ebay and the article said the bidding had reached $81,000 with a few days to go.  Last year a Chinese mutual fund manager won the lunch with a bid of $2.1 million!  We certainly do value certain kinds of knowledge and certain kinds of prophets.  Warren Buffet might be considered one of the ultimate prophets of wealth.  Certainly his track record is well above average (though the article pointed out that one major oil stock he bought last year is now about half the value he bought it for).  But I wonder if the bidding would be as intense for the chance at lunch with our Savior?  Certainly if Jesus were here in the flesh great crowds would throng Him.  If Warren Buffet has the "word" for investing to become rich in this life, Jesus certainly has the "word" for reaching eternal life.  Many followers of Jesus left Him after a difficult teaching on the need to "eat His flesh" and "drink His blood".  Jesus asked His disciples if they would also leave and Peter responded (from John 6, verses 68,69) "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."  The wonderful truth is that each of us can spend personal time with Jesus and gain the sure knowledge needed, not to become wealthy in this life, but to live forever...starting here and continuing in His presence when this life ends.  I'm glad that this is one opportunity that is not determined on Ebay.
Rob Smith

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