Saturday, July 25, 2009

dirt rich

We're all familiar with the expression "dirt poor".  If someone is as "poor as dirt" you picture them without basic needs like food, shelter and clothing, or at best scrambling daily to find these things.  People who grow up and out of humble beginnings seem to be indelibly marked by those difficult times.  Often, being "dirt poor" helps them later to remain "down to earth" kinds of people, who are "grounded" in humility and wisdom.  I've been thinking about "dirt rich" we are.  To begin with, we are all formed from dust and dirt and our bodies will be "recycled" ultimately back to those beginnings when we finish our earthly journey.  It does amaze me that God organizes the basic minerals, elements and gases that surround us into complex life forms.  We now know that God uses a code called DNA to pull together these elements into unique individual unique that we can individually be identified by our personal DNA codes.  It is interesting to consider how we come into this world and then we live for a while and then we depart...but the dirt of this world remains to be used over and over again.  We actually need to move on at a certain point to make way for the next "crop" of people to have their days under the sun and their opportunities to find the Son during those days.  Of course the dirt is rich also because it can be converted to so many things like the summer treats of "corn on the cob", strawberries and a juicy steak.  So I think it may be more true that we are all more "dirt rich" than "dirt poor".  What a miracle that God would fashion something that starts as dirt and ends in heaven.
Daniel 10:9-10 "I heard his voice. At the sound of it I fainted, fell flat on the ground, face in the dirt. A hand touched me and pulled me to my hands and knees.
Rob Smith

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