Monday, January 11, 2010


Acts 12:1-4 That's when King Herod got it into his head to go after some of the church members. He murdered James, John's brother. When he saw how much it raised his popularity ratings with the Jews, he arrested Peter—all this during Passover Week, mind you—and had him thrown in jail, putting four squads of four soldiers each to guard him. He was planning a public lynching after Passover.

 5All the time that Peter was under heavy guard in the jailhouse, the church prayed for him most strenuously. 6Then the time came for Herod to bring him out for the kill. That night, even though shackled to two soldiers, one on either side, Peter slept like a baby. And there were guards at the door keeping their eyes on the place. Herod was taking no chances!

 7-9Suddenly there was an angel at his side and light flooding the room. The angel shook Peter and got him up: "Hurry!" The handcuffs fell off his wrists. The angel said, "Get dressed. Put on your shoes." Peter did it. Then, "Grab your coat and let's get out of here." Peter followed him, but didn't believe it was really an angel—he thought he was dreaming.

 10-11Past the first guard and then the second, they came to the iron gate that led into the city. It swung open before them on its own, and they were out on the street, free as the breeze. At the first intersection the angel left him, going his own way. That's when Peter realized it was no dream. "I can't believe it—this really happened!



I don't think any modern writer of novels or thrilling movies could ink a more amazing, dramatic and miraculous deliverance than Peter experienced in Acts, chapter 12.  Herod had already executed James, the brother of the Apostle, John, and now had taken Peter, with plans to take his life as well.  But Herod was familiar with the amazing circumstances that surrounded Jesus and His followers.  After all, there were guards posted outside Jesus' tomb and somehow He had disappeared anyhow!  So he assigned 16 soldiers to guard him !....And we find Peter, facing imminent death (though sleeping like a baby) chained to two guards, who are sleeping at his sides.  Despite the prison bars, the shackles and the guards all about Peter is delivered, by an angel.  What grabs my heart is the limitless power God has to change our circumstances to accomplish His will and to secure the best outcome for our lives.  No doubt He loved James just as much as Peter, and we don't know why one would live and one would not.  But the cleverest of men and the strongest of forces are no match for the power of God or the fulfillment of all of His plans and promises.  Sometimes we can be in the center of God's will, even if we're surrounded by "impossible" barriers.  Our God specializes in deliverance and He hears our prayers.



Rob Smith

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