Sunday, July 4, 2010

Shepherd celebrities

I'm doing this thought on my smartphone so it may be more disjointed than usual.  Happy 4th of July!  I'm not looking at my Bible right now but I wanted to share an observation from Luke that hit me recently.  In the account of Jesus' birth the angels appeared to shepherds on the hills outside Bethlehem.  So the Son of God came to earth in the humblest form of a newborn, in the humblest place; a barn, to the humblest parents; a carpenter & wife.  The first people to know of this great event were not rich or powerful...their dominion was a hillside and their subjects wore coats of wool.  The Lord came in fulfillment of scores of prophecies to complete God's promise of the Savior, but the humble circumstances and setting were intentional.  We were meant to see that God came in at the bottom of the social structure so that we all would know that there is no one who does not qualify to receive God's gift of salvation.  Jesus' ancestor, David, was a shepherd king to foreshadowed the One who was pleased to be the king of shepherds.  And He lifts us all...for we are all lowly.

Blessings, with birthday love for Shirley, my personal firecracker.
Rob Smith

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