Saturday, March 19, 2011

morning music

Daylight Savings Time may be saving someone time but I feel like I'm losing time.  I stay up too late and get up too late and just have a hard time adjusting.  And I think the sun has the same problem because when I went out for a walk at my usual time this morning the golden orb of morning was still in bed, under the blanket of the eastern horizon.  But I finally took a stroll this morning down a path through the woods.  There is something personal and close about the woods in the early morning.  The trees stand in silent strength like warriors awaiting a command.  The sky has enough light to reveal clouds but not enough to show color.  But I was especially impressed by the sounds of the morning.  A chorus of frogs was practicing its spring cantata in a marsh and the twitter of birds floated through the trees as daylight would soon permit flight.  It was quite dark and shadowy but living things all around were making music.  It occurred to me that even in the dark times of our day there can be a place for a song.  The expression of our heart can anticipate the joy of light even when we seem to be in a place of shadow.   We need light to complete our joy and to give us direction but the music of the morning restores the hope that a new day soon will come.
Psalm 130:6 My soul waits for the Lord
         More than those who watch for the morning— 
         Yes, more than those who watch for the morning. 
Rob Smith

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