Friday, May 20, 2011

roots and shoots

It is fascinating to consider your ancestral roots. I think, especially in America, we have such interesting family trees. Our children, for example, can trace their history to England, Scotland, Ireland, Holland, and Germany. I guess Americans might be considered the "mutts" of the modern world. And to think about the personal histories of our ancestors...some colonists, some sailors, some and shopkeepers...makes it interesting to think about the actual people and the actual experiences that our forefathers and mothers lived through. There are online tools and professional services you can obtain and hire to research your ancestry. Some religions highly emphasize this kind of research and suggest that the present generation is not only the result of previous ones, but can actually impact the eternal state of those who have died in the past. But it occurred to me that the past may be getting all the attention while the future awaits the outcome of our lives. Rather than focus on the past, I am challenged to think about how my life can shape the future through children, grandchildren and future generations. One day, from a front porch in Heaven, it will be a delight to meet the descendants of our family who have come to know and trust our Lord...and to consider the beauty of a family tree...looking forward!
Psalm 22:30 Our children will also serve him.
Future generations will hear about the wonders of the Lord.
Rob Smith

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