Monday, June 13, 2011

beauty of the bird call

Listening to the bird songs this morning caused me to wonder why birds seem to have something to say all the time.  A little research shows that each species of bird has a unique set of songs to: attract a mate, sound warnings of predators, define their territories, notify of food sources, stay in touch while flying (and many other purposes).  But there is a purpose to every song...every call.  Even woodpeckers use the drumbeat of their beaks on tree trunks to send signals.  To my ears the bird songs are pleasant...forest music.  To the bird they are a matter of survival.  I wonder if our prayers are something like this: we communicate needs and cry out concerns and us a matter of survival.  Perhaps to the Lord they are also sweet the sound of birds calling in the woods.

Psalm 104: 12 The birds nest beside the streams
      and sing among the branches of the trees.

Rob Smith

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