Wednesday, June 29, 2011

true healing

Patience accompanies healing.  When we are in discomfort we are constantly aware of our pain or distress and our only ambition may be to get well again.  Sometimes there is pain in virtually every movement, anxiety with every thought and frustration with every limitation.  But the healing process generally takes time.  Even the pill we take must be taken for some period of time before it has reached an effective level in our bloodstream to make a difference and, if we aren't careful, we may stop taking the pill too soon.  We almost resent the need for outside help to restore us and we may despair when healing doesn't seem to come.   I suppose that there is a way to have a healthy attitude toward being unhealthy.  When our body is not functioning as it should there is no requirement for our attitude to sour.  We can walk patiently through sickness as we walk through a storm and we do not have to be defined or directed by our distress.  If sickness or disability has come into our experience then we may be in for a special time of intimacy with our Lord, for when we are unwell we may be more available to Him than at other times.  We may meet the Lord in the midst of our disease and that may be the healing we need most.  So we need an approach to sickness that is marked by faith, by patience, and by the reminder that the ultimate healing always is associated with our alignment with Heaven.

Proverbs 3:8 Then you will have healing for your body
      and strength for your bones.


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