Sunday, July 31, 2011

the little things...

My wife, Shirley, had a brainstorm recently.  She decided that it would be smart to add a water faucet on the outside of our house next to our garage.  Most of the flowers and plants that need watering are on that side and she has been filling buckets repeatedly to meet that need.  But, with the help of our friendly neighborhood plumber, we were able to install the faucet by running a new pipe in our basement and drilling a hole through the foundation to add the valve.  After the project was complete and I saw the benefit of being able to wash my car in the driveway I finally saw the brilliance of the idea.  It seems like a good idea just grows and grows in its benefits.  When Shirley came home and saw the addition she exclaimed that life was better now that we had the new water supply.  We both acknowledged that "it's the little things" in life that often make the difference.  Little things that solve problems can become the source of a big gratitude.  Little things add up to big things.   Maybe one secret to successful living is to making the little changes that can lead to a big difference!

Zechariah 4:10 Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand."

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