Wednesday, August 3, 2011



movement or procedure with uniform or patterned recurrenceof a beat, accent, or the like.
1550s, from L. rhythmus "movement in time," from Gk. rhythmos "measured flow or movement, rhythm," related to rhein "to flow,"

I was thinking about the word 'rhythm' last night.   It's the "beat" in music that gives the underlying foundation and sets the stage for the melody and the harmony and the lyrics.  It's like the rocks in the river that add interest to the water flow.  If the beat is interesting the song will probably be appealing.  Movement with an accent is what rhythm is all about.  Our heartbeat...a wave breaking on shore...each breath we take.  Rhythm captures the pulse of living.  Each day has a rhythm.  The flow of time is patterned by the rise and fall of the sun each day and the seasons as they pass.   Rhythm adds the interest to activity and the spice to life.  I suppose each of our lives carries a rhythm...some pattern to our movement.  What is the "beat" of your life?  What forms the pattern of your actions and turns random thoughts into focused themes?  After's the rhythm that makes the song!

Psalm 135:3 Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good;
      celebrate his lovely name with music.

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