Friday, January 27, 2012

each one

Acts 2:Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them.

I was thinking about our our natural bodies have come from a process that was initiated thousands of years ago with the first couple, Adam and Eve.  We really do have a lot in common with every other person who lives.  Our DNA ultimately is traced to this original man and woman.  And yet, we are each very much unique, singular, individual.  Of course that became apparent as early as Cain and Abel.  Despite our common biology and virtually identical design, by gender, we are more known by our particular personalities than by our sameness.  Our worth...our value shines in our unique and individual identity.  We are aware of this from our earliest days, when our personal wants and interests give us a sense of self worth and our abilities and talents affirm that value.  What we need is a restored relationship to the One who placed our unique identity within the framework of our bodies.  God is looking for a personal and one-of-a-kind relationship with many, many people.  When the disciples were experiencing the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, He came upon "each of them" with divided tongues of fire.  It is God who gives power to each of us to know Him and to make Him known.  He has made an "each of them" world of people and every one of them has a unique identity and worth.  When it comes to manufacturing, there is efficiency in "sameness", but when it comes to life, there is beauty in differences and variation and we each bear the mark of the Master's artistry and craftsmanship, wrapped in our personalities.

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