Thursday, February 16, 2012

the process

Have you found the satisfaction that comes from the process and the anticipation..... as much as the pleasure of the results?
Have you enjoyed and appreciated the hours of planning and expectation that are crowned with a wedding? A new child? A college degree?
Have you started a jigsaw puzzle with a thousand pieces and known the excitement of finding the first pieces to join?
Have you spotted an item in a catalog and saved for months before finally placing your order?
Have you left on a military deployment and wondered how you'd make one day connect to another until your return?
Have you been a 10 year old boy or girl who dreamed about what it would be like to grow up, when tomorrow seemed far away?
Have you gone to bed on Christmas Eve and thrilled with anticipation at the unknown that lay just ahead in the morning?
Have you smelled Pierce's barbecue cooking while driving past on the interstate and wished you could jump the fence for a sandwich?
Have you searched the scripture with eager longing to hear the taste the breathe in Heaven's Spirit air?
Being a Christian is so much more than knowing the facts. It's the process...of anticipating...of striving...of searching...of asking...of waiting...of seeking...of sensing...of connecting...of realizing...and of applying. It's a process of always becoming and always growing. It is the intersection of Heaven and Earth that finds us in our every day.
Each day we set out on a journey into the unknown with the opportunity to trust the One who knows all. We have never been at that particular point in time, facing those particular circustances and we do not know what we will run into... or run across... or run over... or be overrun by...We can choose to be anxious about the unknown...
                                                                                   to let routine and habit carry us through... or
                                                                                                    to be open to the adventure of a fresh dependence on a living God.
When we walk with the Lord we do not always know where we will end up but we know that we will end up with Him.
Imagine what it was like for the gold miners who sifted creek water for hours and days for small nuggets and particles of the shiny stuff.
Our relationship, on a personal level, is established as we wade into the river and begin sifting for the gold. Over time the precious minerals of truth will be collected and we rejoice...but more importantly we come to enjoy the hours spent in the process and that treasure can't be weighed on any scale .... far more satisfying than simply being handed the gold...
Deuteronomy 4:29 But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Rob Smith

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