Tuesday, July 31, 2012

makes things grow

A recent stop at my daughter's house reminded me of something that I have seen all the women in my life to hold in common:  They make all things grow.  My daughter has four children, ages 2-6 and she has corralled their energy to a home and yard that is now fenced in.  As she watches the children she also has developed garden plots around the perimeter of the yard.  Vegetables and flowers have been planted and tended along with children.  There is this wonderful quality of nurturing life that I first saw (and still see) in my Mom, who tends a garden still today and my wife, who even has me move bushes like furniture to find the best locations.   Where would we be without these marvelous creatures who bring us into the world, tenderly raise us and then direct their energy to bring life wherever they can.  Thank the Lord for women: who make all things grow.

Psalm 144:12 
May our sons flourish in their youth
    like well-nurtured plants.
May our daughters be like graceful pillars,
    carved to beautify a palace.
Rob Smith

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