Saturday, September 8, 2012

Why is this happening?

At every point along life's adventure we experience new and confusing things...and often we don't understand why they are happening.  But we believe that there are reasons that they are happening and there is God behind the happenings.  Rebekah was the wife of Isaac and she had been having difficulty becoming pregnant.  In fact, she had been married about 20 years without conceiving.  Isaac didn't understand why this was happening and he turned to God with this need...and then Rebekah did become pregnant.  During the pregnancy there were probably many feelings and sensations and anticipations that Rebekah had...but one of them particularly frustrated her.  She felt like a wrestling match was taking place in her midsection.  The process of pregnancy was filled with mystery but she may not have known at first that she carried twins.  Like Isaac, she also turned to God (Genesis 25:22) and asked: "Why is this happening to me?"  Better than any ultrasound, God spoke to Rebekah and explained that she carried twin boys and they were wrestling for dominance, just as they would in life.  You may run into life experiences where you also ask, "Why is this happening?"  We can rest assured that this is a good question to ask because things do happen for a reason.  We may not always get the answer as quickly or as explicitly as Isaac and Rebekah did, but when we align our concerns with His care we find the answers we truly need.

Jeremiah 12:12 
Lord, you always give me justice
    when I bring a case before you.
So let me bring you this complaint:
Why are the wicked so prosperous?
    Why are evil people so happy?

Rob Smith

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