Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sleeper agents

I vaguely remember a movie, a combination science fiction / spy movie.  The bad guys in the film placed children with adoptive parents, but the children had been born in an enemy country and some kind of electronic chip was imbedded within the children.  At a certain point this chip would be activated by a remote signal and the children would follow a program of instruction to act as spies for the homeland.  They were foreign agents who didn't know they were foreign agents until that part of their makeup was activated.  This morning it occurred to me that we who have come to know the living God are something like that.  We were planted here, along with all other people, to live this earthly life...but at a certain point we were reached, not through some kind of surgically planted chip, but through the Holy Spirit...awakening our true identity as children of the eternal King.  We have come to know that this is not our true home or destination, or even purpose.  All of those things are determined by our Heavenly Father from our eternal home.  We are strategically formed to fully identify with other people, to build relationships and to show that God lives, not just in a far away place, but inside of people just like them.  Just as people can be related to other people, so people can be related to God.  We are sleeper agents for the Lord (I guess this is my wakeup call).

Acts 18:Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, "Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; 10 for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city."

Rob Smith

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