Tuesday, March 26, 2013

where we meet God

The many stories that swirl around Jacob in the book of Genesis (chapters 23-36) illustrate where we meet God in our own lives.  We do not see God "showing up" all the time in the various crises and drama's of Jacob.  But we do see God show up at critical points to guide, to provide, to protect and to promise.  Jacob and the other family leaders of his time and place focused their efforts on building their homes and fortunes and safeguarding their property.  Really, Jacob's story is the story of a nomad.  He flees his own home out of fear that his brother, Esau, will kill him.  He lives as a foreigner with his uncle Laban for 20 years to establish his own home and family but then flees again to return home.  On the way home he is caught on the road between an angry father in law and the fearful prospect of facing the brother he wronged years before.  It is in this life of journey and being "on the run" that Jacob experiences God.  It occurs to me that in our lives we also meet God while we are on the go and in the process of living.  As we move from need to need and crisis to crisis God will show up at critical times to guide, to promise, to protect, to provide.  In this dynamic place of experiencing God through the difficulties of life we actually find our home...a home built on that unique relationship with Him.

Rob Smith

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