Thursday, February 19, 2015

Standing together

Last night was the Ash Wednesday service at the Chapel.  It was a moving time of reflection and preparation for the coming celebration of Easter.  I was impressed with the need to take some time to personally prepare for Easter, as the Lord prepared the way for His Son to come, as John the Baptist prepared his people for the arrival of God's Son and as the Lord prepared me, years ago, to grasp the significance of His Son's death and resurrection for myself.  As I stood to worship during the service and looked across the congregation seated in front of me, I thought about the many married couples present.  Whether married a short time, or for many years, it occurred to me that marriage is one of God's masterpieces of design.  Life on planet Earth is difficult and as each of us moves through the seasons and stages of that life it makes a huge difference to stand with another who accompanies us on the journey.  Somehow the differences between men and women find their perfect complement in the context of marriage.  Not all are called to marry, but I suspect that all are called to friendship and companionship .  And in the context of marriage, these two who stand together, new people are brought to life and raised to adulthood.  So, as I looked across the church last night I saw many examples of two who have stood together and walked together and raised children together...and worship together.  What a great design is marriage!
Luke 20:34 Jesus replied, "Marriage is for people here on earth."
Rob Smith  

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