Tuesday, January 12, 2016

the constant companion

  It occurred to me this morning, as I strolled by the local pond, that the Lord is a constant companion.  There was nothing I could see in the morning that He didn't create Himself...including me...the whole context for living is set in the context of what He has made.  God is not someone I invite into my experience so much as God is gracious to allow me to experience at all!  He is not just a part of life...He defines life.  And yet...I have this misconception at times that I rule my life...I make my choices independently...I relate to God as I choose.  How foolish that is!  And how comforting to relate to Him as Lord and Father.  It is a warm thought to realize that we are never alone and never apart from His care and His oversight...not to mention His presence within.  Both within and without He is present.  He is the big God, whose mark is on all we see.
It encourages me this morning to remember that He is with me always and that I was formed for Him.  (and so were you!)
Deuteronomy 33:
12 Of Benjamin he said,
"The beloved of the Lord dwells in safety.
The High God surrounds him all day long,
    and dwells between his shoulders."
blessings on your walk today,
Rob Smith

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