Saturday, August 1, 2009

7 bucks

The other morning I ran into some rare luck.  I was pleasantly surprised to find 7 bucks on the road.  The bucks had antlers.  As I walked down the road the young bucks pranced up about 100 yards ahead.  I froze and watched as the leader, with the biggest rack of antlers, led the group in a quick leap across the road.  I watched as they bounded across an open field.  They were obviously having a good time together.  I was struck with the grace and lightness in their movement and their surprising quickness.  Here are a few facts that stood out to me on a quick internet search about deer:
  The antlers of deer are the fastest growing living tissue on earth. Deer have a great sense of hearing and can even move their ears in any direction, without moving the head. The eyes of deer, being situated on the sides of their head, afford them a 310 degree view. Deer have an excellent sense of smell and can detect predators from a long distance away. A newborn deer starts walking about 20 minutes after birth.
It was a rare treat to see that large group of bucks the other day.  I am grateful for the amazing creatures God has placed here.  He is glorified in unique ways by every creature.
Psalm 29:9 The voice of the LORD makes the deer give birth,
         And strips the forests bare;
         And in His temple everyone says, "Glory!"
Rob Smith

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