Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The work of God

We would like to do the work God wants us to do...right? 
After all there is only so much time to make a difference while we are on this earth and there sure are plenty of problems to address.  I think it's interesting that when people were trying to get a direct answer from Jesus about what they needed to be doing to "do God's work" He didn't talk about "doing".  He talked about "believing".  John 6:28-29 "Then they asked him, 'What must we do to do the works God requires?'  Jesus answered, 'The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent'.
I think this has two important applications.  First, we must believe and trust in Jesus as God's son, sent down from Heaven to pay for our sin.  This vital work assures our salvation: John 6:40 "For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day."
Second, having believed in Christ unto salvation, as we center our beliefs, our trust, our hope and our joy on the Lord we tend to find God's purpose and do those things that please and satisfy Him.  There is always a choice, even for those who are saved, to center thoughts, concerns and trusts on other sources than the Lord.  It helps me to remember that there is work in believing because there is a continual undertow that tries to pull me away from trusting in the Lord.  We can start each day by "planting our flag" in the Lord and His kingdom.
Matthew 11:29 "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
Let's yoke up with Jesus and pull with Him at our side.
blessings to fellow believers,
Rob Smith

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