Wednesday, June 27, 2007

turtle crossings

Imagine you're a turtle.  You've just slogged through weeds and rocks and gravel for a few hundred yards.  Suddenly you break out into the open.  You find yourself on a firm smooth surface that is easy to walk across.  You think you're in turtle heaven!  Unfortunately you are crossing a major highway at night.  You have no idea of the danger.  I think this is how many of us live.  We may have been slogging through hard work, slow progress and low reward.  At some point we think we've broken out into the open when we hear the paid message on TV about getting rich in real estate with no money down...or we experience a drug of some kind that seems to lift us away from our problems...or we find the "perfect person" and just know that marriage and continual bliss will be the outcome.
At times I think we're all turtles crossing the road.  We think we have plenty of protection from our hard shell (yeah we're tough) but we are no match for the tractor trailers of life that can roll over us.  Recently I saw a young man stop his car and carry a turtle off the road and into the woods.  It reminded me that we need the Lord to do the same for us.  We don't always recognize danger and we aren't always fast enough or clever enough to escape...but He sees the danger and He is able to deliver us.
Doesn't your heart go out to the turtles on the road?
1 Samuel 17:37  "The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine."
Blessings (cross with care fellow turtles),
Rob Smith

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