Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The second wait

Today I had a doctor's appointment.  It followed the normal routine.  First you check in at the front desk, fill out some papers...and wait for a while.  Then a nurse opens a door and calls your name.  You follow her from the waiting room and she leads you into an exam room...where you wait for a while longer.  The only difference in the two waiting experiences is that you have magazines to read in the waiting room and brochures on medical treatments in the exam room...but the wait is just as long in both places.  I wonder why they don't just wait and call you when the doctor is really ready?
It made me think about my experience with Jesus.  I was kind of in the waiting room of life when Jesus first invited me in.  I was glad He called and followed Him, thinking, He was going to complete His work right away.  But it didn't play out that way.  After that initial meeting, I've come to realize that there's another kind of waiting now...but I'm sure He'll come again and at a time I least expect it He'll show up to finish the job and take me home.  I don't completely understand why He didn't finish the work when we first met, but I've found the material I've been reading in His exam room is doing a work in my heart, while I wait.
John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.
Rob Smith

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