Friday, March 30, 2012

seeking its level

They say that water "seeks its own level". Gravity works to draw water from rainfall to creeks, percolating through ground and down to natural collection places...sometimes coming out of the ground in ponds and lakes. Just as water collects in common places, so does wildlife find its way to water, drawn by its source of food, drink and rest. I finally made it back to the pond this morning after several weeks of feeling unwell. I too am drawn to this natural level and this place of nourishment and rest. This morning I was joined by a bald eage, geese and ducks on the pond and we all savored the pond as it sent up shimmers of morning mist from the cool night air disturbing the warmer pond water. The Lord draws us back to Himself as well. We find no such peace, security or refreshment in any other place because we are essentially spiritual creatures. Living things are largely composed and sustained by water and so are drawn to water. We are spirit and must return to the spiritual essence of our nature. He is our pond of refreshment this morning and at all times.
Matthew 14:28 And Peter answered Him and said, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water."

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