Thursday, January 23, 2020

Fw: seasoned with salt

Colossians 4:Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.
"The word "salary" was derived from the word "salt." Salt was highly valued and its production was legally restricted in ancient times, so it was historically used as a method of trade and currency. The word "salad" also originated from "salt," and began with the early Romans salting their leafy greens and vegetables."  from the History of Salt / Saltworks
There is a delicate measure of salt that is beneficial to improve taste.  Its presence must be modest because its role is to enhance and satisfy without dominating.  The verse in Colossians exhorts believers in Jesus to have a certain mindset about speaking with those who have not come to faith.  It seems that our speech should be winsome and pleasant, extending care and making a sincere connection.  The majority of words are given to establishing that interest.  We are motivated by the passion for another person to come out of the cold and into the warmth of Christ.  Interestingly, most people are generally satisfied with their lives, even when those lives are outside the saving knowledge of our Lord and even when those lives are built on the fractured foundation of self.
So, to reach others we must establish a connection of trust that shows real interest and empathy...for that is our real attitude.  And the salt of truth from the Word of God will gain entrance as it rides on the highway of care that we have fashioned.
A little salt makes a big difference.
Mark 9:50...Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another
Rob Smith

"Death is inevitable.  Life is a choice!"

John 11:25
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live."

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