Thursday, April 28, 2011

riding the wind

Having a day off, I was able to get some morning time on the pond in my kayak.  I almost felt like one of the pond residents as I scooted over the surface.  Turtle heads popped up to check out the strange creature in their midst.  Herons reluctantly yielded to instinct as they left their fishing spots as the kayak approached.  Young osprey and other hawks swooped in circles over head and sailed low over the water as if riding an invisible roller coaster.  At one point the headwind matched my paddling and I had to work hard to stay in one place.  High in a tree that had roots embedded in the pond bottom sat a large adult osprey.  He seemed to rule the pond like a monarch enthroned in his mountain castle.  The flying birds seemed to enjoy riding the wind...I didn't see any of them strike the water to catch a fish.  The thought arose that they were savoring some free time on the pond just as I was.  Sometimes it is enough to paddle without a destination or simply soar with the wind.   We will return to work soon enough...

Isaiah 40:31 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
      They will soar high on wings like eagles.
   They will run and not grow weary.
      They will walk and not faint.
Rob Smith

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