Thursday, August 2, 2007

designed to see

I had an eye exam today and while waiting for the doctor I glanced at the big picture of the human eye that was posted on the wall.  It struck me how, at the same time, the design was both simple and elegant.  When the doctor came in I asked her to review how the eye worked.  The cornea protects the eye and brings in light from a wide angle...the iris opens and shuts to allow more or less light in through the pupil...the lens focuses the picture and the retina is like a living photographic negative that captures the picture and sends it down the optic nerve to the brain for processing.  Somehow the picture that is captured  on the retina is converted to electrical signals that travel to the brain and are interpreted as an image.  Just amazing!!  And not only do I barely understand how all this is possible...I had absolutely nothing to do with the design or the manufacture of my eye!  My sight is just one of the wonderful gifts that God gave me.  It occurred to me that all of my body, with all of its wonderful organs, systems, and processes are directly from the drawing board of the Lord.  I had absolutely nothing to do with any of it (and neither did anyone or any other intelligent source).  Why is it that I think I own my life or that it even is my life to control when, in truth, I just occupy the premises.  Two thoughts arise: (1) my attitude toward my physical life should be one of humble caretaking, for it is a great gift and (2) my identify is independent of the body (it must be...otherwise I'd be a whole lot more knowledgeable about how it works and what it takes to function).  No, it's more like I'm in this body for a great ride.  One day I'll leave it behind when it's time to live in a different kind of place.
In that place there will still be will radiate directly from Jesus, as He sits on the throne!
John 12:46 "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness."
2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness,"made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
Rob Smith

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