Thursday, August 30, 2007

The eternal now

Have you ever realized that, as much as we may think about the future and what it could look like......and as much as we may reflect on the past and what it could have been like....the reality is we live now.  In fact life really is a continuous succession of "nows".  Of course there is much benefit in planning for a future that will probably unfold and there is benefit in reflecting on the past to glean lessons and avoid repeating mistakes.  But there's a certain pioneering, frontier-like freshness that accompanies "Now".  As time greets us we are faced with an infinite variety of unknown possibilities ranging from surprising successes to unexpected circumstances with health to unforseeable accidents to disappointments and misunderstandings in relationships and exciting victories.  I think the best way to face Now is picturing the Lord at your side.  He is the one who knows how "Now"  will unfold and He is the one who is committed to never leave never abandon fact He has pledged to be with us until the end of all "Nows".  When you think about time as an endless succession of "Nows" it's not such a big leap to realize that one day we will go from a Now on planet Earth to a Now in Heaven.  That will be a real "Wow, Now"!  Let's squeeze all the freshness we can out of our daily "Now"!
Matthew 9:18-19 As he finished saying this, a local official appeared, bowed politely, and said, "My daughter has just now died. If you come and touch her, she will live." Jesus got up and went with him, his disciples following along.
Rob Smith

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