Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday morning cathedral

I parked the truck on the side of an unpaved road through the woods this morning. There was no hint of dawn yet and the three -quarters moon quietly radiated a "night light" level of illumination that framed the trees bordering the road and played branchy shadows on the sandy road surface. It had been too long since I had walked quietly in the morning and felt the presence of the Lord. But I felt His hands and His eyes as soon as I closed the truck door and stepped out onto the road. I had forgotten the feeling of being alone in the company of the Lord. But I quickly remembered the sweet joy of simply and quietly strolling through a place that is on the edge of darkness and the threshold of light. Simple prayers of thanks bubbled up and different ones in need came to mind but much of the walk was the simple joy of being there...aware that He was near and, in the aloneness His intimate presence seemed to magnify His reality. After pausing for reflection before a small pond that also reflected the moon and a few stars overhead, I returned down the road to the truck. Looking up I saw the lofty pine trees bent in graceful arcs and they seemed to fashion a cathedral ceiling so appropriate for this morning time with the Lord.
Psalm 89:36 His seed shall endure forever,
And his throne as the sun before Me;
37 It shall be established forever like the moon,
Even like the faithful witness in the sky." 

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