Friday, February 10, 2012


The mosquito is not a pleasant creature. Most of us would be pleased if somehow the mosquito became instinct. A bug that sticks us like a miniature hypodermic needle and extracts a bit of our blood just seems to be carrying natural diversity a bit farther than necessary. But the mosquito occurred to me as an analogy for our role as believers. We know that we have been entrusted with the message of salvation but we don't know how to effectively reach our world. So, the maker of the world has placed a drop of His blood within our person at the point when we bowed before Him as Lord and Savior. From that time on we are carriers of His Spirit and we will transmit Him as we alight on others in this world...that's right...we're mosquitoes for the Lord. We aren't the active agent but we carry Him within and as we move through our days we will transmit that presence. I do think that we're a bit more involved than the mosquito and I don't consider our salvation to be a disease. But surely we are carriers of Heaven's Hope by virtue of the resident Spirit within and as we see opportunities to connect with others, He will do the work to make Himself known.
Exodus 25:14 Insert the poles into the rings at the sides of the Ark to carry it.

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