Friday, October 19, 2007

Moving in

People have been asking me how the "move-in" process is going to our new home.  They'll typically ask, "Are you all moved in?"  This question throws me because, even though all our possessions are located inside the four corners of the house, we're far from "moved in".  I don't just mean that we have to hang pictures, throw rugs and put up shelves in the garage.  There is a part of "moving in" that happens in the heart...and it doesn't happen just because all of your stuff is there!  I'm finding that this house is gradually feeling more like home.  We lived somewhere else for 22 years and I guess it takes a process of getting settled that helps the heart transition and make the new place fill the need for home in the heart.  There is a parallel with our relationship with Jesus.  When we invite Him in, He takes up residence immediately and our spiritual home is instantly changed.  But I think we need to walk with Jesus, trust in Him, go through some turbulence with Him and just plain enjoy Him before our spiritual house becomes home.  Yes, our spiritual address does change when we are saved...when we have come to put our trust not on ourselves but on our Lord, but the exercise of faith, like putting up pictures on the walls and painting the bathroom and landscaping the yard causes us to invest in our relationship and make Christ our home.
Psalm 84:3 Even the sparrow has found a home,
       and the swallow a nest for herself,
       where she may have her young—
       a place near your altar,
       O LORD Almighty, my King and my God.
Rob Smith

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