Thursday, February 25, 2010


I was out for a walk this morning and on the way back spotted middle school kids moving toward their school bus stop (I can't believe how early kids go to school!).  One gal had her unzipped parka hood pulled over her head for shelter from a light drizzle but I noticed that she was already on her cell phone texting a friend who probably was sleepily trudging into the day as well.  These days it seems everyone wants to stay in touch through the wireless technology that envelops us.  What is it in us that likes to make contact and be contacted?  Of course there are important messages and personal news that we want to share and maybe we like to find a ready listener for our gripes, groans and grins.  Connecting easily with friends takes us instantly out of our alone-ness.  I have not plunged into "texting".  That's probably because (a) the buttons are too small for me to easily see on the phone and (b) if I need to reach someone I just call them.  But this technology doesn't surprise the Lord, I'm sure.  In a sense He's been texting us for quite a while.  The text of the Bible is just as personal and just as targeted as any wireless phone (and He's been wireless for some time).  As we read the words with a heart that is open, it's like our cell phone is powered on and our screen is ready to receive a message from our closest friend.  God's texts are often found in the middle of a passage that we are reading.  As we proceed, all of a sudden a phrase, a verse or a story seems to raise up in three dimensions and grab our heart.  It is at those times that we are reminded that the Lord has a personal message for us.  We love those messages and we especially love making the connection.
Numbers 23: 16 God met with Balaam and gave him a message. He said, "Return to Balak and give him the message."
blessings (get the message?),
Rob Smith

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