Sunday, May 17, 2009

matching orbits, matching faces

The moon fascinates me.  In the solar system our moon is almost like a little orphan that can't quite make it home.  The phases of the moon are such a remarkable timepiece that helps us trace our way through the weeks, months and seasons each year.  I think it's so intriguing that we always see the same side of the moon.  This is despite the fact that the moon revolves around the earth each month.  The only way it is possible for us to see the same side of the moon is for the moon to rotate on its own axis once monthly also.  The strong pull of earth's gravity has caused the moon's rotation to fall into synch with its monthly trip around the world.  Of course, as a result, we never see the far side (the dark side) of the moon.  The gravitational force of the earth on the moon might be compared to the strong pull of the Lord on one who seeks to "stay in the Lord's orbit".  When we first come to know Him we may be spinning on our own terms, but as we face Him over time that rate will be brought into synch with His and we will face Him continually, even as we move through our personal "orbit".  (And we can keep our "dark side" pointed out to space, where it belongs!)
Isaiah 7:10-11God spoke again to Ahaz. This time he said, "Ask for a sign from your God. Ask anything. Be extravagant. Ask for the moon!"
Rob Smith

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