Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Where do dreams come from?  A quick search on the internet suggests that a part of our brain is always functioning, even when we're sleeping.  Memories, observations, problems and even spiritual concerns seem to come together in some kind of whirlpool of neurons to form stories that make perfect sense while sleeping but become obviously irrational upon waking.  Diet, medicine, and all of our actual life experiences seem to play a role in the nature and the extent of our dreams.  It's almost like when we sleep all the restraints come off our imaginations and there is no conscious ability to channel our minds.  Of course sometimes we leave the rational behind when we're awake, too.  We call that daydreaming.  There is another kind of dream and it has to do with finding our ultimate fulfillment...our ultimate purpose...our ultimate happiness...our best picture of what life can mean.  We need to dream...for rest...for relaxation...and most of all to reach up for a reality greater than our minds can contain...the dream of heaven's truth revealed.
Job 33:14 For God may speak in one way, or in another,
      Yet man does not perceive it.
 15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,
      When deep sleep falls upon men,
      While slumbering on their beds,
 16 Then He opens the ears of men,
      And seals their instruction.
Rob Smith

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