Saturday, June 6, 2009

everlasting value

When we buy large items or make significant investments of money we consider many factors.  Among those factors are how long the item will be useful and whether the investment will appreciate or depreciate in value.  Some things are extremely valuable and useful for a finite period of cars...but they depreciate in value and ultimately must be replaced.  Other investments, like our homes or perhaps a small business or farm, can provide a lifetime of useful service and appreciate as well.  But this morning it struck me that the best measure of value are the investments that grow in value here and then continue to hold value for all of eternity.  I thought about the things that are eternal around me and I realized that the only investments I see every day that will spend eternity somewhere are people.  Even the earth was not made for eternity...but during our brief passage on earth's surface we all determine an eternal destiny.  Now that's an investment worth giving a life for!
John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
Rob Smith

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