Monday, August 8, 2011

compete or complete

We earthlings are big on competition.  Sometimes it shows up in sports, sometimes it shows up in school, sometimes it shows up in war, sometimes it shows up on the job, sometimes it shows up in relationships.  We want to prove we are better, bigger, beautiful--er...than all the others.  If we win and we prove we are better then we may feel better about ourselves.  We can think that in the pecking order of life we are a notch or two higher than others.  It's been tough in our country lately.  We are used to being No. 1 in the world in standard of living and in freedoms and ideals (at least in our minds).  We've been taking some hits below the water line and have come down a bit in some rankings, while other countries seem to be rising.  I don't think we abide very well with being anything less than top dog...even if sometimes it means that other countries are actually coming up in the world.  But I wonder if "compete" is really the key to being "complete"?  We have come to know that when we open our hearts wide to Jesus and He moves in...that we are renewed, restored, revived, redeemed and truly re-born.  The completeness that comes with Christ wasn't the result of winning the game...landing the big deal...taking the trophy as Mr. Universe...or getting 1600 on your S.A.T. scores.  And, best of all, this completeness is available to all.  There was a victory...we do have a champion...and there are no losers when we admit we are already lost.   It is exciting to compete and better to win but it is best to be complete through the faithfulness of our winning Savior!

John 15:11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.

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