Monday, August 22, 2011

essential life

If you were to try to break down life to its smallest piece, what would that be?  If you break down any substance you come to elements and molecules that give unique identify to the substance.  If you break down the atoms that make up the molecules you release tremendous energy and lose the original atom, itself.  If you break down time to its smallest piece you move backwards from years to months to days to hours and minutes and seconds...and there can be significant activity even within small fractions of a second.  But, if you break down life to its smallest piece for a person, what would that be?  Would it be a breath?  Would it be a thought?  Would it be a single heartbeat?  What constitutes t he essence of life?  This is a difficult assignment because, once human life has become alive, it has a physical dimension that is described by our anatomy and it has a spiritual dimension that is described by the inner person we call the soul.  What is the essential part of our soul?  Here are a few key ingredients: There is the Word of God that spoke man into being that is carried in the soul of each of us.   There is the credential of saving faith that hangs in a frame within our hearts when we have placed our trust in Jesus' finished work on the cross and from the grave.  There is the presence of God, Himself, dwelling continually within our being, as a result of that trust.  One thing that seems clear is that the essence of our lives is God, Himself.  And you really can't break down our lives to exclude God...His presence, like our souls, goes on continually and for eternity.

Psalm 73:26 My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
      but God remains the strength of my heart;
      he is mine forever.

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