Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"the procedure"

As you get older you often find that there are certain medical "procedures" that come across your path.  One of the less enjoyable ones is the colonoscopy where you get to drink far more liquid than you can contain to flush your digestive tract so they can take pictures of the whole system.  But there are many other procedures.  I had laser surgery done on one eye and no longer need glasses!  Now that's a procedure to warm up to.  I have friends who have had procedures done to treat spots of skin that could be pre-cancerous and I have a good friend who is now recovering from a complex cancer removal process that left him in ICU for over three months!   Others have radical procedures to lose weight or change a nose.  But there is another "procedure" that we each must have at some point in our lives if we are to modify this temporary body into an eternal form.  Back in the Old Testament Jewish males were circumcised as the procedure that marked their alignment with God.  On this side of the Cross we must go through a circumcision just as real, but performed on our invisible spiritual hearts (works for men and women) by the great physician.  Like many of the procedures we face that are physical we don't generally come to spiritual circumcision easily, or willingly at first.  We don't like the idea of giving up any part of our flesh or nature...we've become so attached to.  But at a certain point we hear the voice of Dr. Jesus tell us that this pain will be temporary and replaced with a joy that cannot be appreciated before the procedure.  And we allow Him access to our innermost part...and He completes the procedure.  (Hope to see you 'post-op')

Colossians 2:11 When you came to Christ, you were "circumcised," but not by a physical procedure. Christ performed a spiritual circumcision—the cutting away of your sinful nature.


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