Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"I will go"

Genesis 24:58 Then they called Rebekah and said to her, "Will you go with this man?" And she said, "I will go."
So this stranger from a far away land swings into your village with his thirsty camel.  You do the kind thing and offer him some water to drink and also water for the camel.  The next thing you know he's slipped gold jewelry on your arms and is asking about your family and if he can spend the night at your house.  If that isn't unusual enough, once you bring him home he starts into this fantastic story about his mission to find a wife for his master's son.  It turns out that the simple gesture of offering water to these desert wanderers was interpreted as a confirmation from God that you are the answer to his prayers....the one to become the wife he's seeking!  But something happens as the full story is revealed and you realize that what seemed to be a chance encounter was somehow planned by God..the whole chain of events shows you that there is a power greater than yourself.  Even your father and brother acknowledge that "the matter comes from the Lord". 
Just this morning you thought it would be another ordinary day in the village...chores...meals and familiar chatter with family and friends.  But by the end of the day a whole new course had been charted for your life.  You have a quiet confidence that you will be safe traveling with this foreigner to a distant land, far from your family.  You are willing...even eager to meet your husband.  You've not seen him yet but the amazing chain of events this day have convinced you that the end of the story will be as full of peace as it is full of mystery and grace.
Then they called Rebekah and said to her, "Will you go with this man?" And she said, "I will go."
Will you also go?
Rob Smith

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