Friday, July 13, 2012

Two bird day

I think I'll rename Friday "Two bird day".  This morning I photographed a turkey and an eagle within ten minutes of each other...pretty rare around here.  What different creatures they are:  the turkey awkwardly skitters over the ground with an ungainly body that seems off balance perched on stick legs; the eagle poses regally atop a throne-like tree.  But they are both God's creatures and Benjamin Franklin famously suggested that the turkey was a more appropriate symbol for America.  I think the turkey may be a more appropriate symbol for us, individually, as much of the time we skitter through our days in a somewhat awkward and ungainly way.  But eagle and turkey share a common Creator (with us!) and the variety of His creation gives us insight into His creativity.  I suppose we're more likely to feel like an eagle on Friday and a turkey on Monday!

Genesis 1:20 Then God said, "Let the waters swarm with fish and other life. Let the skies be filled with birds of every kind."
blessings from this turkey to the other birds out there,
Rob Smith

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