Tuesday, March 29, 2011

changing of the watch

Psalm 119:148 My eyes are awake through the night watches,
         That I may meditate on Your word.

When I was in the Navy, aboard ship, the routines of the day were regulated by something called "watches".  The crew would take turns, in 4 hour durations, at running the various shipboard operations.  Whether it was the engine room, or sonar, or radar, or driving the ship from the bridge the ship was continually manned by breaking down the responsibilities into four hour segments.  As each watch would be relieved by the next crew there would be a brief "turnover" to update the oncoming folks about current conditions and special orders to be observed.  This morning I spied the crescent moon suspended high above the eastern horizon, just as early signs of dawn were showing.  It was as if the moon was eagerly waiting to be relieved of the night watch by the sun.  The moon seemed to be ready to update the sun before fading into the morning sky for a nap.  The moon tends to consider the sun something of a "show off", with its glaring presence and intense heat.  Secretly, the moon wonders what the big deal is.  During his watch things are pretty quiet...even sleepy...and there often is little that is exciting to report.  As the sun comes on duty he just shakes his head at the moon because most of the action happens on his watch as people wake up...crops are warmed...and there is activity everywhere.  Their watches are as different as night and day!  
But I remembered that just as the sun and moon watch faithfully over us from the sky so does our Heavenly Father faithfully keep watch over our lives.  Sometimes we are sleeping...sometimes we are awake.  Sometimes we are sailing through our day and sometimes we are stumbling over unseen obstacles in the dark.  But He sees...He knows and, most importantly, He cares and acts on our behalf.  He isn't just standing watch...He is alert and ready to take whatever action is called for.   Unlike my navy watches and unlike the sun and moon our Lord is standing watch around the clock!
Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, 
      Keeping watch on the evil and the good. 

Rob Smith

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