Monday, March 21, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

Yesterday afternoon, Shirley and I saw the Russian National Ballet perform Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty at the Ferguson Center.  I was only familiar with the story from childhood memories of the Disney animated movie.  Of course, the ballet was elegant and full of grace and the disciplined athleticism of dance...but the story was about the same.  The daughter of a King and Queen falls under the spell of an evil fairy (who'd felt jilted at not being invited to a Christening celebration).  The wicked fairy places a curse on the girl which is to take place when she is 16...pricking her finger on a sewing needle (or spinning wheel) and dying.  Just after the curse is established, the good fairy counteracts the curse with a blessing.  The princess will not die...she will only sleep until awakened 100 years later by the kiss of a prince.  The princess will awaken and marry the prince.
I couldn't help but think of the Gospel of our Lord.  The Princess represents all of us and the wicked fairy is Satan.  Satan wants to disrupt God's plan for life because he is a fallen angel and this is how he can exact revenge.  The temptation of touching the needle is much like the temptation of touching the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.  But early on, God shows He has a plan to overcome the curse.  He will send the Prince of Peace and He will win a battle against Satan.  His kiss is the expression of His love and as we receive that love, we are awakened from sleep...delivered from death.  As the Prince marries the Princess, so we become the bride of our Prince of Peace.
I don't know if the story was intended to capture so much of God's love story with us but as I watched Sleeping Beauty...presented through the artful medium of ballet ...I was moved to reflect on the similar grace that our Lord has demonstrated to lovingly come for us and place His kiss and awaken us to be with Him forever.
Song of Solomon 8:

    4 I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem,
      Do not stir up nor awaken love
      Until it pleases. 

    5 Who is this coming up from the wilderness,
      Leaning upon her beloved?
Rob Smith

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